Sell & Trade Your Gear

No matter what you are looking to sell; used, vintage, high dollar or entry-level, we would be interested in making an offer so we can connect it with a buyer either here in store or on our website. The easiest way to sell us your gear is to bring it to our store in Mansfield, Ohio so we can evaluate it and make you an offer. We are interested in buying a wide range of musical instruments and gear from guitars, effects, amps, pianos, folk, band instruments and much more. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to know if your item is something we would be interested in buying.
What you need to know before selling us your gear:
- All items must be evaluated in person before a final offer is made.
- You will need your driver’s license.
- Items that we purchase are held for 3 days before funds are made available to you. This is to help make the selling and buying experience safer for both of us. We will wave the 3 day hold if the item was purchased from our store.
- Normally we pay cash for items purchased but for large purchases we may issue you a check.
Are you looking to turn your old gear in to new gear? No Problem! We take trade-ins and it’s the perfect opportunity to turn old dusty gear in to whatever you need to reach your musical goals. Just like when you sell us an item, bringing it in is the best way for us to evaluate it and make you an offer. Please feel free to contact us if you would like to know if your item is something you could use as a trade-in.
What you need to know before trading us your gear:
- All items must be evaluated in person before a final offer is made.
- You will need your driver’s license.
- Items that are used on trade-in are often quickly moved to our sales floor and priced to sell. For that reasons trades are final.
Sometime items come in to our store that are high dollar, collectable or unusual and we might recommend selling your item on consignment. This means that we will display your item on our sales floor, website and other online stores to ensure you get top dollar for your item. When your item sells on consignment you receive 75% of the total profits after taxes, shipping and fees. Consignment is a great option for high dollar or collectible items that may have limited prospective buyers. Out of the 3 options, consignment will pay you the most for your gear.
What you need to know before putting your gear on consignment:
All items sold on consignment are split 75/25 between the seller and Metronome Music respectively
You will need your driver’s license.
You are free to pick-up your item at anytime if it has not sold.
Your money will be available for pick up as soon as your item sells.